Thursday, December 01, 2005

Coal for Sony

noxmasforsony.gifI'm adding my voice to the thousands of outraged folks who are various levels of pissed off at Sony for their unconscionable behavior in installing "rootkit" style software to enforce their odious DRM. If you're not familiar with the story, you can read up on it here.

I don't know that very much more needs to be said on this issue: It seems clear that the people making decisions at Sony have no respect for their customers and can't be trusted to behave responsibly. They deserve some sort of punishment. The courts will take care of part of that, but I'm going to do my part, too.

I've got lots of Sony stuff that I'm quite happy with, and I've been thinking recently about getting a PSP to see what all the fuss is about. But I won't be getting it for awhile. I'm joining the boycott of Sony products until I'm satisfied that they've learned something from this fiasco.


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