Friday, March 31, 2006

What do you do on YOUR day off?

Well, I have a bonus day off, and even though I'm in the middle of a busy project and missing a day seems like a bad idea, I'm staying away from the office today (although keeping in touch with work via email and iChat) and taking care of some of the stuff that I have let slide in the past few weeks (largely because of the busy project at work). So, what did I do today? Well, after dropping the girl off at daycare, I walked down to Chapters to try and spend some birthday money.

No luck there. It turns out that I'm too busy to read much these days, so I couldn't see myself buying a book because I don't stand a chance of reading it during the rest of the year. I already have three books out of the library (two unopened) and a stack of unread magazines to work my way through. Another book? Not sensible. So, instead I went to Starbucks and read one of those unread magazines for a while while I drank my coffee and had a muffin. I read a couple of interesting articles: one about a scientist who's field is "molecular gastronomy". Did you know that if you cook an egg for an hour at 65 degrees C -- exactly -- you get a much better texture and flavor than the standard boil-for-ten minutes recipe. Of course, it takes an hour. According o the article, you'll find these "65 degree eggs" on the menu in restaurants in France.

Anyway, came home and on the way started fretting about losing time on the project, so when I did get home I peeked the old email, checked in with the team, and decided that I could probably live without doing too much work today. I plan to go for a run (a long one), do some chores around the home, and perhaps catch up on some learning tasks that I set myself some time ago that have started piling up. Gotta keep the brain lubed up. Maybe I'll do some work, but stuff unrelated to the stressy project.

It's hard to take a day off because you get the sense of standing still in a sprint, but it's good to relax too, as well as take some time to catch up on non-urgent things. If I was more caught up with my personal stuff I might have gone up to Cypress and tried out my new (1 year old ow), unused snowboard. But no point in making plans like that. I'll bet the next day off is a long way away.


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