My Issue with Flax Plus

But there's always a problem with everything, and this cereal has a problem, which is that apparently the people who manufacture it don't want you to eat it. Or at least they want to make it difficult.
The top flap of the box of cereal is effectively cemented shut with some kind of industrial grade epoxy. In several years of eating this cereal, I have not once been able to get the top of the box open without ripping the little tab that's supposed to keep the box closed. I have even tried using special tools (well, a kitchen knife) to gently pry open the box without damaging it, but that little tab of cardboard has never failed to tear off.
If that weren't enough, the interior bag of this product is sealed so tight that you can't get it open without scissors. The way this is supposed to work is you tug gently on the two sides of the bag and the top comes unsealed. Then you can pour the cereal out normally. Lots of cereal producers get this right. Just about all of them. Try that with Flax Plus and you'll spray flakes all over your kitchen.
Had to get that off my chest. Sorry.