Saturday, February 16, 2008

Apple TV

We bought an Apple TV a few weeks ago, and have now installed the "Take 2" update. Some quick thoughts.

1. I liked the old UI a little better. The new interface is OK, but not as pleasant as the old one, in my opinion. I sort of miss the big icons.

2. I don't like how all "my" content is now subordinate to the iTunes store.

3. I love the fact that there's YouTube on there.

4. I love the fact that I can now get video and audio podcasts direct to the Apple TV.

5. I like how I can purchase music from the iTunes store from the Apple TV.

6. I don't like that it's not completely straightforward to find video podcasts. They're just lumped in with audio podcasts and audio podcasts are generally not that interesting when I'm watching TV.

Between YouTube and video podcasts, Apple may have invented "Channel Surfing 2.0". I find myself sitting down in front of the Apple TV, browsing one little channel after another, watching bits and pieces of things: The latest images from the Spitzer Space Telescope, high definition footage from Rome and Yosemite, and the "best of YouTube". This is surprising, because channel surfing has been a thing of my past since the arrival of DVDs and our PVR. I was pretty sure that video on demand would more or less put a stake through the heart of surfing, but it seems that the concept may have been revived in its new internet form.