One of the stories I like to tell to convey to people how clueless I can be sometimes is the story of how, when I was in university, I was doing my best to keep up with many rapidly changing fields of technology. I had hit a sort of overload, though, and when I heard about this new thing called the "World Wide Web" and something called "Netscape" I thought to myself "no, I don't have time to learn about that right now". It was maybe a year later that I saw a demo of Netscape and did the proverbial Simpsonian forehead-slap.
To a much less significant degree, I had the same experience this morning when I
finally signed up for a account and started entering and tagging my bookmarks. I had a vague idea that was some kind of bookmarking service, but I thought "that's kinda stupid, every browser I've ever used does bookmarks". Sure, I got that since it was web-based you could have your bookmarks anywhere, but I have .Mac bookmark syncing, so what do I need that for? Still, I kept seeing references to it, so I thought I'd best check it out.
Like many things on the internet, there's more to than you'd guess at first glance. You can tag your bookmarks (through a slightly nifty interface), and (here it comes)
find new stuff by finding related bookmarks that other people have tagged. So it's kind of like a less automatic Google, which might lead to finding higher quality pages. Anyway, not earth shattering, but still kind of neat.