Sunday, July 15, 2007

Noodle Surfing

Went swimming with the kids yesterday, and invented a great new game to keep the little ones amused: noodle surfing.

Take one extra-floaty pool noodle, and try to stand on it, staying upright in the pool while balancing on the noodle. It takes a few tries to get the hang of it, and you can always make a big show of "falling" off. The kids will laugh at you, which is fun. If you do fall off, try to arrange for the noodle to go shooting up into the air dramatically, rather than just floating to the surface.

If you manage to stay afloat on the noodle, the next challenge is to swim from one end of the pool to the other while staying balanced. This is a little easier than getting on in the first place, but also offers plenty of opportunities for dramatic failure. Try it! Fun!


Blogger Shannie-K said...

Sounds like just the thing for the lake! What diameter is an "extra-floaty" noodle? I hear you may be stopping by our place in September, so I'll need to practice up in case of noodle competitions! ;-)

3:36 PM  

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